WELCOME to Guildford St Nicolas Parish Church

A big space, a gentle pace and an open spirit

Sunday 10am Parish Mass

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Our Church, School and Parish

The Parish church serves the local people for whom it is established. Our church building is open to visit and regularly used for concerts, meetings, by our school and other groups as well as our worship of Almighty God.

Our Church and School are two sides of the same coin: our worship centre and our learning centre are at the heart of what we do and who we are, giving our children and families an opportunity to see the wonder of God in all around, in one another and sharing that contagious joy with others in love of God and neighbour.

Children and families are especially welcome here – there is a Sunday morning Junior church each week in term time whilst the grown ups are in Mass and they return to worship with us and make their communion or receive a blessing at the altar.

Our building is a beautiful and welcoming space in which to encounter God in mystery and wonder as well as a space to find companionship and fellowship with our neighbours.

Our worship is in the 'Catholic' style: we use the beautiful space and our senses to encounter God through beautiful music from our professional Choir  the Foundation Singers and through the traditions we believe teach us about the nature of God: we use ancient vestments which are timeless reminders of the tradition we have received, we use incense to remind us of our prayers rising to God, we sing ancient and modern music to express the state of the soul and most importantly we gather to be together to pray, rejoice and on occasion weep.

The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints are important to us. The Blessed Virgin Mary, sometimes called Our Lady is particularly important to us and we have a Cell or group connected to Our Lady's Shrine of Walsingham.

But most importantly of all, YOU are the most important part of the church there may well be a building or a steeple, but look inside and see the people, as the old children's rhyme says!

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