Tuesday Group is a friendly social group which gathers in the Parish Hall of St Nicolas' Church (Bury Street) every Tuesday morning in term time, for interesting and varied activities. Doors open 9:45am for a prompt start at 10am. Meetings last about an hour.
All are welcome, whether on a regular or drop-in basis.
Tuesday Group Autumn Term Programme
17th September Fun card games for all
24th September Paper and pencil quiz - in pairs
1st October "Culinary herbs" - individual contributions
8th October Simple autumn craftwork
15th October "My favourite film" - individual contributions
22nd October Guest speaker: "The Story of the Symphony: Tchaikovsky to Rachmaninov"
29th October School half term holiday - no meeting
Previous meetings
2nd January Pantomime - a discussion
9th January Papercraft
16th January "My Favourite Opera" - guided discussion
23rd January Parks in the UK - individual contributions
30th January Quiz - 2 teams
6th February (Early) pancakes
20th February Three small tactile objects - individual contributions
27th February Guest Speaker: "Winter constellations: find your way around the night sky"
5th March "Favourite garden plants" - individual contributions
12th March "When did you last....?" - Interactive question-and-answer game
19th March Quiz - paired teams
26th March Easter-time paper craft for all
16th April Dominoes - fun for all
23rd April Shakespeare miscellany - individual contributions
30th April Guest speaker: The Story of the Symphony - Haydn and Brahms
7th May "An extraordinary occasion" - individual contributions
14th May "It puts me in mind of ..." - interactive session
21st May "Kites" - individual contributions
4th June "Badges" - interactive contributions
11th June "Memories of Timothy White's"
18th June Guest Speaker: "Jenner and his defeat of smallpox"
25th June Carpet(less) bowls
2nd July Craft for the Plant Stall
9th July Novelty bingo
16th July Speaker: "The Summer Night Sky"
23rd July Summer medley: individual contributions
3rd September "A good place to visit locally" - individual contributions
10th September Quiz - two teams